Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Picture“…but since its release, the enemy has been trying to stop this manuscript from reaching the hands of Believers. 
It’s that powerful!”
 From the desk of Jon Orana
                       Publisher of "Living and Winning 
Dear Fellow Christian,
It was year 1909 when Theologian Dr. William Evans released the first copy of his little-known manuscript on scripture memorization. But for whatever reason, his amazing scripture memorization techniques didn't reach our local churches today and...
...we all know who the real culprit behind it is.
Dr. Evans was a Bible teacher with Ph.D., and D.D. (Doctor of Divinity), and served as Director of Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. He knew the challenges of his students and Christians in general in memorizing God's word.
The truth is, meditating God's word is a key element to overcome any challenges in your Christian walk and live victoriously.
Sadly, due to our sinful and selfish nature some Christians are now questioning the necessity of memorizing God's word in their Christian walk. What does the Bible say about memorizing scriptures? With your permission, please allow me to quote to you Joshua 1:8:

In my brand new e-book entitled “Supreme Memory Book”, I've revealed every technique from Dr. Evans manuscript and even used his exact words to make sure that I wouldn't miss a thing. If you wish to memorize the scriptures and grow in your faith in God, you need to read this book. Period!
Here’s a small sample of what is revealed in “The Supreme Memory Book”:

“This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth,
but you shall MEDITATE in it day and night,
that you may observe to DO
The good news for you is, when I bought the book I also got a license to republish it so I can share to you today these brilliant scripture memorization techniques.
In my brand new e-book entitled “Supreme Memory Book”, I've revealed every technique from Dr. Evans manuscript and even used his exact words to make sure that I wouldn't miss a thing. If you wish to memorize the scriptures and grow in your faith in God, you need to read this book. Period!
Here’s a small sample of what is revealed in “The Supreme Memory Book”:ccording to all that is written in it.
For then you will make your way prosperous,
and then you will have good success.”
 - Joshua 1:8